Archive for November, 2016

Employment during the Recession

November 1, 2016

Those who have jobs during the current recession should count themselves very blessed and those of us who are looking for jobs have reason to feel blessed also.  If your regular position has been downsized or your company shuttered, the recession gives you (and me) a chance to open yourself up to the possibility of trying the career change that you have always dreamed about.    And why not?   Law firms are downsizing, clients are nit-picking bills that they use to pay without a second glance and  debt collection is one of the major growing areas of  employment and law (that alone is enough to make a barrister jump ship or court).   Therefore, perhaps, you can use the time to consider becoming a school teacher, radio disc jockey, talk show host and for the not so faint of heart an entertainer.  I didn’t say what kind of entertainer;  I will leave that up to you and your fantasy job daydreams.  As for me, I will post thoughts on the job market (hopefully not all grim news) and attempt to infuse those posts with thoughts of positivity .  When I  am not doing that, I will post some employment law news that you can use.  So here is to beginning – again?